Best in class wellness
THC-Free Hemp
THC-Free Hemp
We began our company with a desire to bring the finest CBD and wellness products to our community. Super-simple. Much of our business since 2019 has been face to face with people in a retail brick-and-mortar store. So, as our customers trusted us with their stories, challenges, and pain – the accountability to have authentically fantastic products went way up. We love our customers, and their stories matter. Because of that, the solutions we offer matter too.
But, we didn't stop there. Because just having great products doesn’t determine success. Figuring out the right product, format and serving size for each person – is an art. Every body is different. Your body and my body are different, our metabolisms, our endocannabinoid systems, where receptors reside in our bodies are all different. At 180 Pure, our team partners with you to figure out the right product, format and serving size that will best address what you’re solving for. Having the personalized and experienced support of our team – is everything.
XO - Sandra & Team